pp108 : Free-Form Controls

Free-Form Controls

This topic describes free-form controls that are used in an User Interface.

Form controls that can be directly dragged on to the User Interface Editor are known as free-form controls. They are neither linked to a transactional nor a non-transactional model. Free-form controls do not have any references.You can use User Interface with free-form controls in a business process model by publishing the User Interface. A user does not have to attach a dummy model to the UI controls and assign dummy references. The data in the free-form control is fetched from the business process and when changes are made to the data, the modified data will be sent back to the business process.
In the Message Map free-form controls can be found within the element forminputdata and formoutputdata under freeformcontrols.

CAUTION:Do not create a model with the name FreeFormData as this will conflict with the control of the same name in the Message Map.